The People of Walmart Are Laughing At Us…AGAIN!

We have all seen the photos & videos or heard the stories…the ones of “the people of Walmart.” If you haven’t, a quick google search will enlighten you to things your eyes most likely won’t be able to unsee and most likely leave you wondering what the heck those people were thinking.

Well, as someone who is quickly realizing that myself & my family ARE the people of Walmart, I can tell you that we weren’t thinking about much except for getting our groceries and getting through the checkout line and back to the ranch as quickly as possible…until we noticed a trend.

Rubbernecking, pointing & laughter in our direction while out & about, particularly at the local Walmart, has become all too familiar since moving back east, along with comments such as…

“You must not be from around here.”

“Do you wear your costume every day?”

“Howdy Tex!”

“You have boots on…do you line dance?!”

“Is your horse in the parking lot? Hahahahaha!”

Actually, I was born in York County…I’m a local like you! My clothing is not a costume and aside from my wild rag & boots I’m wearing jeans & a sweatshirt just like you…and yes I do try to get dressed almost every day….I also like lipstick..alot. My name is Mandy, not Tex. I do not line dance, but I do ride horses. I even rode my horse to a Walmart once, but he’s not in the parking lot now. In fact, all 6 of my full sized horses plus my magical unicorn are at home waiting to do therapy with hurting people & heal a broken world that judgement, such as yours, contributes to creating.

Walmart Elizabeth,Colorado
Walmart Elizabeth, Colorado

When all of this was new, I became defensive, especially when my family was the target. However, it was my family who calmly reminded me that, even though it’s hard to take the jabs & jeers, we are a walking advertisement for all that we stand for and that we should be either be proud it or change what we are advertising.

I have been dwelling on this statement, as profound as it is, for some time now. Not only does the innocence & simplicity of it keep me grounded, but the truth of the matter is that we all represent ourselves not only with how we choose to dress, but also with our actions and our words, both in public and in private.

It seems so simple, yet our society is one that has trained us to make a mockery of difference and insult hearts based solely on variation from the norm. I am certainly guilty.

So, speaking as one who is now proud to be one of “the people of Walmart” I pray that my apparent uniqueness would help me to stand out so that I have the opportunity to advertise myself in such a way that your eyes won’t allow you to unsee some things…

that my smile in your direction is genuine, that my kindness towards you is sincere & that I will do all that I can to make it apparent that I have a true appreciation for who you are simply because of your created value and all that you have been through on your journey.

I pray also, that you would all take a moment to ponder on what you stand for and if you advertise yourself accordingly.

If you don’t know what you stand for or who you are, or your advertisement doesn’t reflect your reality send us a message or give us a call…we have herd of 6 full sized horses and a magical unicorn who are experts in empowering people to become who they are created to be.

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